Welcome to Somatic Energy Alignment with Jona!

Reconnect with your innate healing power through transformative sessions. Experience profound personal growth as we address trauma stored in your body using:

  • Breathwork
  • Kundalini Life Force Energy Activation
  • Organ Reset
  • Bodywork
  • Light Language

Embrace a holistic approach to well-being and rediscover your true self.

Who is Somatic Alignment For?

Somatic Alignment is ideal for those seeking:

  • Relief from anxiety, stress, and fatigue
  • Healing from past traumas
  • Enhanced intuition and inner wisdom
  • Deepened connection with their body
  • Improved energy flow and vitality

Discover a more balanced and fulfilling life through these powerful sessions.


What is a Somatic Alignment?

Somatic Energy Alignment (S.E.A.) is a transformative healing approach that addresses deep-seated tension and energy blockages resulting from past traumas, stress, or overwhelm. Utilizing techniques such as breathwork, gentle touch, and de-armoring tools, S.E.A. aims to restore the body's natural energy flow and enhance the resilience of the nervous system. These sessions facilitate significant shifts in consciousness, promoting a sense of alignment, abundance, and love. My training under Santiago Ramirez has equipped me with expertise in touch and hands-on healing, complemented by a background in energy work, yoga, and meditation. In addition to these modalities, I bring psychic abilities and the gift of Light Language to my practice, enhancing the healing process by accessing higher realms of consciousness and facilitating deeper energetic shifts. Founded by Santi and Elina, Somatic Energy Alignment combines their unique insights and approaches to create a powerful modality for holistic well-being and personal growth. Join me on this transformative journey to experience the profound benefits of S.E.A., where healing and self-discovery converge

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Somatic Alignment Foundation

Our bodies are always generating and moving energy, from our heartbeat to our breath. This energy is vital even though we can't see it or touch it.

Somatic alignment is a way to transform yourself by gaining clarity, awareness, and understanding. It's about being open to change.

Benefits of Somatic Energy Alignment Sessions:

In these sessions, we focus on:

  • Balancing your nervous system: Moving from feeling stuck or anxious to feeling safe and connected.
  • Reducing anxiety, stress, and tiredness: Helping you feel more balanced and strong.
  • Healing past trauma: Releasing old pain and helping you feel better emotionally.
  • Awakening your intuition: Helping you trust your inner wisdom and insights.
  • Connecting deeply with your body: Using breath, movement, and energy flow to feel more alive.
  • Finding answers within yourself: Discovering clarity and wisdom from your own experiences.
  • Improving your energy flow: Releasing tension and pain to feel more comfortable and vibrant.

With our session together we help you reconnect more deeply with your true self and create a more peaceful, fulfilling life.


Before our session, it's crucial to make some preparations to ensure a smooth and productive Somatic Alignment experience. I've outlined some guidelines below that I highly recommend you review and follow:

  1. Dietary Preparations: To optimize your comfort during the session, it's advisable to refrain from consuming food, coffee, or energy drinks for at least 4 hours beforehand. Some exercises we'll engage in might induce nausea, so it's best to approach them on an empty stomach.
  2. Avoid Psychoactive Substances: For the integrity of the session, it's important to avoid using psychoactive plant medicines like ayahuasca, kambo, bufo, as well as drugs or alcohol, at least 48 hours before and after our sessions. This ensures that your mind and body are in the most receptive state for our work together.
  3. Time Commitment: Our sessions typically last around 60 to 90 minutes. To fully immerse yourself in the experience, please ensure that you won't be interrupted and have set aside this time from your regular duties.
  4. Comfortable Attire: Wear clothing that allows you to move freely and comfortably. This will enable you to fully engage in the somatic exercises and movements we'll be practicing.
  5. Integration Period: Allocate some time after the session for integration. This is a valuable opportunity for you to reflect on and further explore the insights gained during our Somatic Alignment process. Creating a quiet space for reflection can greatly enhance the integration of our work.
  6. Location: Prishtina, the details will be provided after booking.

These preparations are designed to optimize your experience and ensure that you get the most out of our time together. If you have any questions or concerns about these guidelines or anything else related to our session, please don't hesitate to reach out. I'm here to support you every step of the way.

Looking forward to our session.

With love,

During Session

What to Expect During a Session

In a Somatic Energy Alignment session, we address deeply held tension and blockages caused by unprocessed traumas, stress, or overwhelm. Using breathwork, energy work, and de-armoring techniques, we restore the natural flow of energy and enhance nervous system capacity. The private setting ensures safety and comfort, allowing for deep exploration of personal issues and emotions.

Sessions typically last between 60 to 90 minutes. I intuitively assess how far we can go in each session to ensure optimal progress and comfort.

During the session, you may experience:

Emotional Expressions:

  • Crying
  • Laughing
  • Singing

Physical Sensations:

  • Trembling
  • Tingling
  • Muscle contractions

Insights and Visuals:

  • Realizations
  • Visions
  • Memories

These responses are part of the healing process, helping you reconnect with your true self.

Staying Comfortable

You will remain fully aware during the session. If anything feels too intense, you can take a break, open your eyes, or adjust your position. Your comfort and well-being are the priority.

If You Don’t Feel Anything

If you don't experience strong emotions or sensations, that's okay. It may take time to break through built-up defenses. Stay present and open during and between sessions to deepen your connection with your emotions.

Additional Benefits

I will teach you somatic practices to integrate into your daily life. After a session, you can share any insights that arise. I am here to offer support and guidance on how you can best integrate the experience and continue developing your energy. Somatic Alignment sessions work on an energetic level and may take your body a few days or more to adjust to this new shift in frequency. Be ready to feel at ease, activated, and refreshed!

Experience transformative sessions that reconnect you with your true self.

Frequently asked questions

What to expect during a Somatic Alignment Session?

In our session, the path is surrender. There is no need to "do" anything. Just lie down on the mattress for an hour and listen to beautiful music. Your only task is to surrender to the process. While you lie down, I, the facilitator will touch or point at different chakra or meridian points on your body. There is also possibility that light language may be activated, which aids in your healing. Keep your eyes closed, relax your muscles, and be open to whatever comes up. Allow emotions, sensations, or feelings to flow. Most importantly, surrender to the process without any expectations.

What Can Happen in a Somatic Alignment Session?

Some of the types
of experiences that might happen:

- Energetic: your
body is still, but you feel energy running through your body

- Visual: active
third eye, you may see lights/images, going on astral journeys, visions

- Emotional: anger,
sadness fear, laughter, joy... do not suppress this, feel it and it will be released. You might want to scream, cry, laugh, all emotional release is

- Kinaesthetic:
spontaneous body movements, stretches, yoga poses, shaking, mudras. Pay
attention to where you are feeling it and how your body wants to move, without
letting your mind interfere

- Bliss states

However, all the phenomena during a session is
not what is important, it's the changes that will happen in your life after the release and activation that truly matter. It's a very natural process, the energy will build gradually for each session and has an intelligence that will do exactly
what your system needs in the moment. Each session can be different.

How Often Should I Do Somatic Alignment?

The frequency of somatic alignment sessions should be personalized to your unique needs and what your body is communicating to you. After each session, I intuitively assess your condition to help determine the best schedule for you. There isn't a one-size-fits-all answer, as everyone's journey is different.

From my personal experience, I prefer receiving sessions once a week or every ten days. However, it's essential to listen to your intuition and find what feels right for you.

Who Should Not Receive Somatic Alignment Sessions?

Certain medical conditions or physical limitations may make Somatic Alignment sessions unsuitable for some individuals. These include, but are not limited to:

  • Cardiovascular Issues: History of heart attacks or heart disease.
  • Uncontrolled High Blood Pressure: Conditions that could lead to complications.
  • Respiratory Conditions: Such as chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD).
  • Severe Mental Health Disorders: Including schizophrenia or bipolar disorder.
  • Seizures or Epilepsy: Some aspects of the practice may not be suitable for individuals with these conditions.
  • Pregnancy: Pregnant individuals may need to exercise caution.
  • Detached Retina: History of this condition may contraindicate participation.
  • Osteoporosis: Individuals with this condition should be cautious.
  • Recent Surgeries: Those recovering from surgery may need to avoid sessions.

Participation in Somatic Alignment is at my discretion, and it is essential to inform me of any relevant medical history. This ensures your safety and well-being during the sessions.

How Long Does a Somatic Alignment Session Typically Last? row

Somatic Alignment sessions usually last between 60 and 90 minutes, depending on the level of engagement and any questions that arise during the session.

How Much Does a Somatic Alignment Session Cost?

Internationally, the standard price for a Somatic Energy Alignment (SEA) session is €150. However, recognizing the unique economic circumstances in Kosovo, I am offering these sessions at a special rate of €88 for this region. This adjusted price reflects my commitment to making these healing sessions accessible while maintaining the value of the energy exchange.

Additionally, I offer a package deal of €222 for three sessions. For more details, please check the services section.

Where Are the Sessions Held?

Sessions are held in my studio in Prishtina, with the exact location provided upon booking. Additionally, I offer sessions in Tirana once a month.

What Can Happen After Somatic Alignment Sessions?

After a Somatic Alignment sessions, you may experience significant changes within your system. This includes a rewiring of the brain and central nervous system, leading to a shift in consciousness and potential spiritual awakening. These profound changes can result in deep emotional and spiritual healing, often unattainable through other methods.

And If the raw Kundalini life force energy awakens within you, it may move through your spine, helping you uncover your truest, most powerful, and divine self. This energy burns up stored blockages, leading to transcendence and higher states of consciousness. It’s a journey of rebirth, love, and surrender.